Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Happy Happy March!

It is the first mild day of March.
Each minute sweeter than before...
There is blessing in the air...
                                                                                                             ~~~ William Wordsworth

I love a new month.  Turning that calendar page to a fresh beginning gives me so much pleasure. 
March came in like a lamb for us here in North Alabama today. The day may go out like a lion because thunderstorms are expected later on today, but I plan on enjoying it while the beautiful sunshine lasts. 
 I had lots of company while I weeded around my happy-faced Pansies and pruned back some summer blooming bushes.  Cheery little leaves were dancing all around me in the spring-like breeze. 

The birds were twittering in the nearby trees, just waiting on me to go inside so they could visit their feeder.  Spring is trying her best to put in a showy appearance in our yard.  And she's doing a pretty good job of it.  It's hard to capture a good picture of flowers that are waving around in the breeze, but I did my best.

I have plans for March...Fun plans!
Maybe I need to tell you my plans just in case I get too busy and forget some of them.  I want you to hold me responsible.  I'll try my best to come back with pictures to prove that I did indeed follow through with them.
  • fly a kite
  • sew up the projects I told you about in my last post
  • make more Blog posts
  • sing a song every day
  • smile a smile every day
  • play a tune on my piano almost every day
  • do something nice for someone every day
Okay, your turn.  Do you have any fun plans for this brand new month?  I'd love to hear about them!

1 comment:

I'm so happy you're leaving me a comment! ~ Sherry