Thursday, December 2, 2010

Home-grown Garden Salad in December

I pull on my jacket and slip out the back door into the frigid air where I pick a few leaves of spinach from a barrel...

... pull up some crisp red radishes from my Square Foot Garden...

...throw them in a colander and rinse them in the icy water from the outside faucet...

...bring them inside and mix with a couple of pieces of bacon and freshly grated Colby jack cheese.  Add a few crackers and a glass of sweet iced tea for the best lunch I've had in ages.  I'm so glad you joined me.

This post linked to:  Frugal Friday


  1. Now that looks yummy! Can't get much fresher then that!

  2. A fantastic salad!


  3. Yum yum, that was some kinda' good lookin' salad. How nice to be able to go outside and pic your produce.

    Will have to check out container gardening. All I have ever done was tomatoes.


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