Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mail Order Dog Biscuits?

When opening my mailbox I often find dog biscuits laying on top of the coupons and bills.
Our mail lady loves dogs and dogs love her.
Maggie usually meets her at the mailbox for her treats but if she comes during Maggie's naptime, she has started leaving them in the mailbox.

I'm talking about one little spoiled dog.

And now it's out to the garden for me on this dark, misty morning.  The ripe tomatoes are weighing down the plant limbs so I've got to get my buckets out and relieve them of their loads.  That means I'll be canning again today.

I got most of my Wednesday household chores done yesterday and we're having a simple supper tonight, sloppy Joes, since a canning job keeps me tied up most of the day.

The promise of a lunch out with my friends tomorrow keeps me moving today!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Maggie is so cute! No wonder the mail lady wants to spoil her! That's very nice of her to leave them in the box. I hope your canning went well today! Have a good night! Twyla


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